Words from Jimmy Hatch
Words from Jimmy Hatch
- 08 Jan 2021
One of the coolest things about being involved with Spike’s K9 Fund is that I get to meet and speak with amazing folks on the regular. Some of them are strangers, some are employees, some are volunteers and some are people that we help with our donors’ generosity.
- 08 Jan 2021
Last Thursday we executed our first “Spike’s School” with a great crew of Officers and K9’s from the Portsmouth, VA Police Department.
- 08 Jan 2021
I’m thankful that I lived in a world where we had “skin in the game” and we knew that the consequences, were we to not work hard and prepare, were severe.
- 08 Jan 2021
This past weekend, the fine folks at Crossfit Chesapeake helped us with their fourth annual “Kipping for K9’s.”
- 08 Jan 2021
As a working k9 advocacy group, we are constantly working on ways to improve our efforts at helping the K9’s who, not because they volunteered but because we decided they have the qualities that will best serve us, take care of our communities and country in difficult and sometimes very violent situations.